After-School Regents Review Dates
Friday, May 18th from 2 – 5:30 PM (late bus can take you home)
Friday, May 25th from 2 – 5:30 PM (late bus can take you home)
Friday, June 1st from 2 – 5: 30 PM (not sure about a late bus at the time of this posting)
Friday, June 8th from 2 – 5:30 PM (not sure about a late bus at the time of this posting)
Monday, June 11th from 2 – 5:30 PM (not sure about a late bus at the time of this posting)
IF YOU WALK HOME, YOU MUST PROVIDE A NOTE FROM YOUR PARENT/GUARDIAN THAT YOU ARE ALLOWED TO WALK HOME. it is rush hour, drivers are crazy, too much has gone on the last 2 years, and I want to be sure your parent/guardian is allowing you to walk home.
This review has been very successful over the last 17 years with students who attend them in conjunction with being in class daily, are prepared, do their review HW, and study their flash cards nightly. No one who has done all of these things has failed the Exam to date
Here are the details:
1. Sign up sheets will be put up on Monday of that week and taken down at the end of school on Wednesday.
2. If you sign up, you are expected to show up. If you sign up & don't show up or cancel last minute, you will not be permitted to attend the following week.
3. If you are not coming to school, not coming to class, not doing all work as assigned, &/or are unprepared for class you are not eligible for these reviews. You can & are greatly encouraged to attend the department sponsored reviews.
4. If you have been consistently absent, late, had behavioral issues, &/or did no work this year, you cannot attend these reviews.
5. If you would like to participate in the pizza ordering, please being exact change of $1.25 er slice to review with you. It is unlikely I will have change so bringing the exact amount is important in order to place your order. You may order as many slices as you like.
6. You may bring a drink & your own sandwich (if you don’t want pizza.)
7. Review is limited to 24 students per course.
Review is done in pairs by your course (Global in pairs, US in pairs.) It is not a lecture, it is not notes. It is you, using my personal flash cards (different from those you do in class), to study & internalize information with a partner. It is timed & organized in a way to give you the maximum exposure to Regents topics during any review period. You can work on your weakest areas.