Saturday, September 28, 2019

Failing or Close? Read Me.

I have never understood the question "How am I failing?"  The answer is almost always "because you didn't do your work."  If you are currently failing the 1st marking period, keep reading:

1. Did you submit your signed & completed Expectation & Contact Form Sheets?  If you did, a 100 is in Thinkwave.  If you did not there is a 0.  If you did not, you have one final chance to turn it the missing form(s) at the start of your class on Wednesday, 10/2.  This is the 3rd extension & will not be pushed further for any reason, including absences.  Forms were given to every student either the 1st day or when you entered our class.  Please find them as necessary & submit.  If not, the 0 stays.

2.  Did you sign up for Quizlet?  If you did, by the deadline, with the appropriate username, yo have 100 entered.  If there is a 0, you did not do one of the required steps above.  You have until Tuesday, 10/1, to fix it for a 65.  No grades will be changed after that date.

Also, if you had a proper username & then changed it, I deleted you.  I check weekly for this, and delete anyone who does not follow the guidelines I set up for Quizlet.

3.  Classwork grades of 0 - if you were legally absent on a day we did classwork, but you have a 0 for the assignment in Thinkwave, you must email me no later than Wednesday, 10/2 to have it changed before progress reports are done.  Your email must have your full name & class period in the subject field to be open or it goes into spam.  Your email must include the date(s) & names of assignments before I'll spend the time looking up your records in Eschool.  You can use the assignment names & dates in Thinkwave.  I will then check your attendance records.  If you are correct, I will remove the 0.  If not, it stays.

4. Absent but never made u the work you missed (not classwork) - sorry.  Deadlines are listed in every assignment.  Once a make up deadline had passed, work is fair game to go back to you &, therefore, no more make ups are allowed.  Those grades will not be changed.  If you fall into this category, please be more responsible regarding deadlines from absences.

TEST Wednesday 10/2: Thinkwave Sign-in

You are required to sign into Thinkwave no later than Wednesday, 10/2.  Signing in will count as a test grade.  Thinkwave shows me the lst date & time you accessed your grades, which is how I will issue grades for this assignment.

If you do not have or lost your Thinkwave code, you must email me by Sunday, 9/29.  These were given out in class nearly 2 weeks ago.  The subject of your email must include your full name & class period to be opened & not sent to spam.  I cannot give you the code in school as I cannot print from Thinkwave there.

Failure to email by Sunday, if necessary, will result in a delay in your received a new code.  The deadline to access Thinkwave will not be extended.

90% of your work has been graded & entered as of 8 pm last night.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Ch 2 & 3 Quiz Update

Your Ch 2 & 3 Quiz originally scheduled for 9/25 will be given on 9/27, as announced in class today.  The make up period will end Thursday, 10/3.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Sorry all, been home battling asthma attacks & general breathing issues.  I'll be back tomorrow.  To answer some questions I have received...

1.  Yes, you are still having your quiz tomorrow.
2.  Yes, everyone is taking it.
3.  Yes, you need your regular stuff because it is only a half period quiz at most.
4.  No, you cannot study for it in Quizlet because...
5.  Yes, you have to look up all the words on your lists for Chapters 2-4. 
6.  No, you do not have to make flash cards but...
7.  Yes, you are required to turn in your work at the start of the period (list or flash cards), done in accordance to the directions given in the posting for the quiz.
8.  Yes, I have rubber bands for you if you choose flash cards.
9.  Yes, You get extra credit for doing flashcards.
10. No, you do not get any credit if you don't do all of the words, and...
11. Yes that means ALL of them (every. single. one.)
12. No, you will not leave to go to resource since it is not a full period quiz & we will continue with our work right after time is up.  However, I will send it to your Resource teacher for you to complete on Friday (it will be due back by the end of the day Friday (your teacher is aware of it so don;t worry.)
13. No, I do not accept late HW except for the case of legal absences.
14 Yes, there is a make up if you are legally absent - see the posting for that info & deadline.  If you are late to class, you lose that time & no make up will be offered.
15.  Yes, we will do any HWQs I missed while out tomorrow after your Vocab quiz.

Finally, I will be collecting your phones for the period tomorrow, as I will do for all quizzes & exams.  They must be turned OFF & you will get them back at the end of the period.  Anyone refusing to turn n a phone will take a 0 on the quiz.  Anyone found to be lying about not having a phone to turn in will receive a 0 & referred to Admin for cheating.

Monday, September 23, 2019

RAK Wall

RAK = Random Acts of Kindness

To enjoy a pretzel, you must do the following:
1. On an index card in the green bin by my desk, write one nice thing you did for someone else since your class ended yesterday.  There had to be absolute no gain in this act for you.  The sole purpose & result of the act was to make someone else feel good, better, or valued.
2. Pin the card to the RAK Wall in the back of our classroom with a push pin (also found in the green careful) at the END of class.
3.  You may take 2 pretzels after completing this task (the amount may vary moving forward based on the size of the pretzels I'm able to buy.)
4.  You may only write one card per day.

Writing must be big enough to read from the front row.  Write your RAK on he front, write your name & class period on the back.  Pin the card with the RAK facing out.

Cards must be taken before the stat of class & pinned at the end of class.  You may not write out the card while we are working on something else unless you are finished with that assignment.  Violations of an of these procedures or rules will render you ineligible for 5 class days.

Starts Wednesday, 9/25.

My RAK?  I buy the pretzels.

Chapter 4 Videos

Chapter 3 Videos

Thursday, September 19, 2019

TEST October 11: Chapters 1-4

Your Chapters 1-4 Exam will be on Friday, 10/11.  The Quizlet Review has been open since 9/19.  If you have been in class, paid attention, done your homework, and study you should do very well on the test.  STUDY THE REVIEW IN QUIZLET - it was made using the material on your exam.

You Chapters 2, 3, & 4 Video packets are due at the start of class on this day as well.

Make up for legal absences is before school (per my make-up policy), last day to make up is Wednesday, 10/16.  Failure to make-up the exam will result in a zero for that test.  Cuts & illegal absences cannot be made up, and anyone late to class will not receive extra time on the exam.  Make-up period ends at 7:15 AM.  To have the same amount of time for the test as was offered in lass, you must arrive to 1823 by 6:45 AM.  You can arrive after that time, but your time ends at 7:15 AM.

If you can't come before school to make up the exam don't be absent for it!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

DUE: Wednesday, 10/2 Ch 6 Sec 1 & 2


HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until Thursday, 10/5 to come to 1823 before 7:15 am to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

Click (or copy & paste) the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

QUIZ: Thursday, 9/26 Ch 2, 3, & 4 Vocab

Vocabulary Quiz on these on Thursday, 9/26.  Your words will be due at that time.  You may write them out as a list on paper OR you may write each on a flash card (use a flashcard for the required homework heading.)   Required homework heading must be used.  Use your knowledge, notes, online textbook, handouts, or the Internet to find the definitions.

Homework Heading (required on all work submitted):

Your Name                                                   US History
Class Period                                                Assignment
(in this case, your assignment is Ch 2-4 Vocab)

If you are making flashcards they MUST be rubber-banded together BEFORE submitting AND BEFORE the bell rings (there are rubber bands behind my desk - ask me!), and your top card must be a heading card (see above.)  You will get extra credit for making flash cards.

Make up for legal absences is before school (per my make-up policy), last day to make up is Thursday, 10/3.

Copy & paste the link below for the Vocab list.  Yes, it is Chapters 2, 3, & 4:

DUE: Friday, 9/27 Ch 5 "Last"


HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until Thursday, 9/26 to come to 1823 before 7:15 am to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

Click (or copy & paste) the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

QUIZ & DUE: Wednesday, 9/25 Ch 5 Sec 3 AND CH 2-3 QUIZ TODAY


HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until Thursday, 9/26 to come to 1823 before 7:15 am to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

Click (or copy & paste) the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

Label the notes as indicated in the link:


You will also have a 20 minute quiz on Chapters 2 & 3 today, no notes allowed. The Quizlet Review has been open since September 19th.  If you have been in class, paid attention, done your homework, and study you should do very well on the quiz.  STUDY THE REVIEW IN QUIZLET - it was made using the material on your quiz.  

Make up for legal absences is before school (per my make-up policy), last day to make up is Friday, 9/27.  Failure to make-up the quiz will result in a zero for that quiz.  Cuts & illegal absences cannot be made up, and anyone late to class will not receive extra time on the quiz.  Make-up period ends at 7:15 AM.  To have the same amount of time for the test as was offered in class, you must arrive to 1823 by 6:50 AM.  You can arrive after that time, but your time ends at 7:15 AM.

If you can't come before school to make up the quiz, don't be absent for it!

DUE: Tuesday, 9/24 Ch 5 Sec 2


HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until Thursday, 9/26 to come to 1823 before 7:15 am to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

Click (or copy & paste) the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

DUE: Monday, 9/23 Ch 5 Sec 1


HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until Thursday, 9/26 to come to 1823 before 7:15 am to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

Click (or copy & paste) the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Quizlet Grades Entered in Thinkwave

Thinkwave was just updated with your Quizlet test grade of signing up as directed or not - so you either have 100 or 0.  Please see how it negatively impacted your average already if you have not done it yet.  You have roughly 1 hour until the deadline expires - after that,  these grades won't be changed (you've had since September 4th to get it done!)

If you joined class this week you have until Monday morning to sign up, please do so over the weekend so I can change your grade.  If you are not new to us as of Monday, 9/9, you are not eligible for an extension.

Quizlet Updated, Some Removed

Quizlet is updated.  If you "applied" to our class but have not been approved, your username does not meet the criteria I set in writing.  

Some of you changed your username to something not meeting the criteria after being accepted.  You have been removed as of this post.

Fix it before the deadline!

Thinkwave Sign In Due by Friday, 9/20

You are required to sign into Thinkwave by Friday, 9/20.  This will count as a test grade.  You will be able to change your password at that time.  Be warned I will not have access to your password or username once you change it & I cannot generate one.  Please out it in your phone or other safe place so you know it.

If you did not get your password today please see me at the start of your class period on Monday.

Thinkwave Entries:
Anything BLANK is NOT a zero, it hasn't been entered yet OR you were exempt form the assignment.

No Lunch Period? Read This...

If you don't have a lunch period or the "red dot" for a different period, email me a copy of your schedule.  Make sure you put your full name & class period in the subject field.  

I already know about Sophia, Amanda, & Odalis, you you ladies do not have to email me. :) 

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Is this you??

Whoever "jv" with a long number after it & "taty" also with a number after it are, you have not followed the username directions & will not be approved until you do.

Quizlet Sign Ups

Quizlet deadline is tomorrow - see the original post.  Test grade. 100 or 0.

There are currently 3 people who are not approved - the directions were not followed regarding usernames.  If you did it but have't been approved's you.  Fix it so you can be approved & get your 100 before the deadline passes & you get a 0!

You can try this link, but you made need to make your account first.  I cannot verify if this link (or copy & paste) will get you to our class:

QUIZ: Tuesday, 9/17 Geography

Your Geography Quiz will be on Tuesday, 9/17.

The Quizlet Review has been open since September 5th.  If you have been in class, paid attention, done your homework, and study you should do very well on the quiz.  STUDY THE REVIEW IN QUIZLET - it was made using the material on your quiz. 

Make up for legal absences is before school (per my make-up policy), last day to make up is Thursday, 9/19.  Failure to make-up the quiz by the deadline will result in a zero for that quiz.  Cuts & illegal absences cannot be made up, and anyone late to class will not receive extra time on the exam.  If you are 10 minutes late to a 15 minute quiz, you have just 5 minutes to do the quiz.  BE ON TIME!

The quiz will NOT be a full period so please bring your regular required supplies with you to class that day.  

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Using your phone for HW? READ THIS REMINDER!!

As a reminder to all of you using a cell phone (against my advice!) to do your homework...

1.  You must scroll to the bottom of the page & click "View Web Browser" (I'm pretty sure that's what it says.)  It is literally all the way at the bottom underneath the last post you see.
2. Once you click on that the screen will change to a PC?laptop/monitor version
3. Scroll the menu on the right-hand side for the due dates for your work.

As I've continued to say in class, the top or first post is NOT necessarily the work that is due the next day.  All of you having this issue seem to be using your phone...and not following the directions above based on everyone who asked em about it today.

As I told many of you yesterday & today, if you are having trouble, email me before 4 pm (or I might not see it until the next day) or come to our classroom before 7:15 so I can show you on your phone or the computer in the room.

See you - & your HW!! - tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Signed Sheets are now Overdue

I will extend the deadline through Friday, 9/13 before handing out zeroes.  This deadline will not be extended again. 

If you turned them in by the end of today, 9/10, I will give you 125 instead of 100 to keep things fair.

Your Quizlet deadline is also Friday...

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Chapter 2 Videos

Some videos we will do together in class, the rest you will do on your own time as HW.  The videos are posted below & not currently blocked from viewing at school.  All questions are to be answered.  Failure to answer all questions will lead to a loss of credit.  The Chapter 2 packet is due the day of your Chapter 2 Exam, date TBD as of this posting.

Copy & Paste the link below for the videos:

Reminder: you have multiple assignments due tomorrow, 9/9

You have Geography, 2/2, & 2/3 notes due tomorrow!  (Geography is one post, the others are in an earlier post.)

Do you know? We have a food pantry at BHS!

Are you aware we have our very own food pantry right here at BHS?
If your family is struggling in today's economy and access to food is an issue,please see your Guidance Counselor.  There s a form for you to fill in with them for your food or hygiene needs.

If you're hungry, you can't concentrate.  If you can't concentrate, you won't learn.  If your family is in need, please see your Counselor.  Only your Counselor will know (& they should know these things anyway to best help you this year), and the food comes in generic, reusable bags.

Help us help you.  See your Counselor at any time this year if you need this service.  It's free and it was set up to help YOU! 

Late Hall & Minute Passes

As a reminder, Late Hall is scheduled to begin tomorrow.  If you are coming to my class from Ross, or going to Ross from my class, please be sure to bring your schedule & your agenda book to the Discipline Office for a 1-minute pass.  That means you will have 5 minutes to get to class instead of 4.  No more than that.  If you are late, you will be required to get a pass from Late Hall (which is usually room 1412) to enter class.  You lose credit for whatever work was done or collected in the time you miss class.  There are no make-ups for these zeros.

You are required to show me your pass in your agenda book.  I will write t down on my seating chart.  If you are coming from well into Ross, like the Gym, we can discuss the possibility of an extra minute for you to arrive.  However this can only be done after class with proof of your schedule.

If you already know this is the case for you, you are welcome to email me a copy of your schedule to get the ball rolling.  As always, all emails must have your fist & last name & your class period in the subject field or it will be moved to spam without opening.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

ALSO DUE: Mon, 9/9 Geog Notes

HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until Thursday, 9/12 to come to 1823 before 7:15 am to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

In this case, your notes are below:

Geography to Know

Sun Belt
·        Located in the South & Southwest
·        Warm, temperate climate with extended, hot summers & brief, mild winters
·        Population has greatly increased since the 1960s due to immigration & retiring "baby boomers"

Appalachian Mountains
·        "Border" of the Original 13 Colonies
·        Runs Southwestward from Newfoundland, Canada to Central Alabama
·        People usually refer to the areas in Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, & Maryland when they speak of this feature

The Great Lakes
·        Located along the Canadian-American border
·        Connected to the Atlantic Ocean through the St. Lawrence Seaway & Erie Canal (NY)
·        Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie, & Ontario

The Mississippi River
·        "Dividing line" between East & West
·        Flows from Minnesota to Louisiana & into the Gulf of Mexico
·        Borders or cuts through Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi, & Louisiana

The Great Plains
·        Commonly called "the Midwest"
·        Area between the Mississippi River in the East & the Rocky Mountains in the West
·        "Breadbasket of America"
·        Harsh winters, hot & humid summers, prone to severe storms (tornados, dust storms)
·        Agriculture & farms thanks to irrigation & transportation from the Mississippi River

The Rocky Mountains
·        Stretch from British Columbia south to New Mexico

The Rio Grande
·        Forms part of the US-Mexican border

The Mojave Desert
·        Contains "Death Valley" - lowest, hottest, & driest area in North America; located in eastern California

Demographic Maps:
·        Show human populations (or segments of human populations broken down by age, sex, income, religion, political views, etc.)

Physical Maps:
·        Show the geography of a place (the "layout of the land) such as mountains, rivers, deserts, etc.

Political Maps:
·        Show the borders between nations &/or empires, capital cities, major cities, etc.


Sign up for Quizlet is due by 8 pm on Friday, 9/13.  This is a test grade of 100 or 0.
Take the easy grade & get signed up NOW!!  Be sure to follow the directions given to you in class!

DUE: Mon., 9/16 Chapter 4 Sec 3 & 4


HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until Thursday, 9/19 to come to 1823 before 7:15 am to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

Click (or copy & paste) the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

DUE: Fri., 9/13 Chapter 4 Sec 2


HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until Thursday, 9/19 to come to 1823 before 7:15 am to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

Click (or copy & paste) the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

DUE: Thurs., 9/12 Chapter 4 Sec 1


HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until Friday, 9/13 to come to 1823 before 7:15 am to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

Click (or copy & paste) the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

DUE: Wed., 9/11 Chapter 3 Sec 2 & 3


HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until Thursday, 9/12 to come to 1823 before 7:15 am to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

Click (or copy & paste) the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

DUE: Tues, 9/10 3/1


HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until Thursday, 9/12 to come to 1823 before 7:15 am to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

Click (or copy & paste) the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

DUE: Mon, 9/9 2/2 & 2/3


HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until Thursday, 9/12 to come to 1823 before 7:15 am to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

Click (or copy & paste) the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

Extra Credit

Extra credit opportunity tomorrow - I could use some help putting up some posters.  

If interested, please email me by 10 pm tonight (Thursday) so I can get the correct amount of bus passes in the morning.  You have it on the Expectations Sheet (which is also posted if you already turned it in.  Please put our full name & class period n the subject field or it will go into the SPAM folder.!

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

2019-2020 Expectations

Below is a copy of what parents & students were required to sign & submit by the due date posted.  Please feel free to refer to this at any time during the year.  I can be easily reached at with any questions you may have!

Mrs. Ramo                                         U.S. History & Government                                             2019-2020
U.S. History & Government offers students an examination of American history from our nation’s beginnings through modern times. Students must pass both this course and the Regents Exam to meet current NYS Graduation requirements. The minimum passing score for each is 65. 
At the conclusion of this course students should be able to successfully complete the course and Regents Exam. The minimum passing score for each is 65. 
Student are required to bring a binder, plenty of paper, standard blue or black pens (2 or more), & a highlighter to class daily. There is no corresponding textbook for this course.
v  Students will be on time, in their seats & ready to begin by the time the bell rings daily
v  Students are to be prepared daily with all required supplies, work, & class handouts or will lose credit
v  Cutting & lateness not class will not be tolerated, school policies will be strictly enforced
v  Cheating, such as but not limited to plagiarism, will result in a loss of credit for that assignment & administrative intervention (see your Student Handbook for the definitions of plagiarism & cheating as needed)
v  Disruptions to the learning process (including, but not limited to, inappropriate behavior toward me or classmates) will not be tolerated
v  Students will have internet access other than a mobile device to access their homework assignments, updates, notifications, exam review, online quizzes & exams, & my online gradebook – computer access is available on any computer lab or library during free periods or after school for students without this access at home
It is expected that students will follow all district building, & class rules at all times. Failure to do so will lead to consequences ranging from parent contact to administrative action.
Averages for each marking period can be viewed at any time in my online grade book. Students will receive a password by late September. Parents are encouraged to email me at to request their own password for their student’s grades. Grades will be determined as followed:
Tests: 35%                 Quizzes: 25%                        Homework: 20%                   Class Work: 20%
Al homework is posted online well in advance of due dates. All information regarding due dates & make ups can be found in the post for each assignment. Any work due not turned in by the start of class is considered late. A list of required websites was provided in class today, please go over it with your student.
U.S. History is not a difficult course but it does require your best efforts. If you do your best, complete your assignments, come to class, & seek extra help when needed, you should easily pass both the course & Regents Exam!
This signed sheet is due back by the date posted online. A copy has be posted there for your convenience.  I look forward to a fun & successful year with you & your student!
Parent Signature: _______________________________      Student: ________________________________

_____________________________________          _____________________________________________
Parent Name (please PRINT)                                        Parent Email

DUE: Friday, 9/6

Read what follows before starting the HW due 9/6.  That info is beneath this list of instructions & tips.

Here is how this works:

  • I will post the due date in the title of the post
  • I will put any instructions needed in the post
  • I will add the link to find the actual work in the post, long the make up info should you be absent & qualify for a make up, if offered.  
  • Any dates or info in the original post, where you are linked, does not apply to the 2019-2020 school year.  
  • "Copy & Paste" usually doesn't work on the links
  • Using your phone never works well.  You must use the "desktop version" of the blog, & past students have had issues accessing the work.  None of his will be accepted as an excuse for not having our work since there is computer access available at school.  (This first assignment you can likely do from your phone, but it is highly discouraged.)
  • Homework is usually posted well in advance.  You are welcome to print out any notes, etc due to copy at home if you don't have access.  You MUST use Internet Explorer to do this. Chrome does not allow you to print the picture.  
DUE 9/6:

HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until 9/10 to come before school to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

Be sure to copy them just like I have them.  It will be much easier for you to finish the quiz in the allotted time if you do.

Copy & Paste:

Welcome Back & Supplies Reminder!

Welcome Back!  

You have just 2 years to go until graduation - I hope you are committed to making this year your best yet in all of your classes!  Colleges will look very closely at what you do this year, so now is the time to perform as well as you did last year or improve greatly if your grades need it!

As a reminder about the supplies you need for class every day:
- Binder/loose leaf with plenty of paper.
- Standard blue or black pens (at least 2 in case 1 runs out.)  Work is only accepted in standard blue or black pen.
- A working highlighter (any color!)

You need to have at least paper, pen, & highlighter starting tomorrow, 9/5, and all supplies in class as of 9/16.

Let's make it a successful year!!