Copied from the State Education Website:
Student Use of Communications Devices
All students are prohibited from bringing cell phones and certain other electronic devices, as defined in
the script below, into a classroom or other location where a State examination is being administered.
Test proctors, test monitors, and school officials shall retain the right to collect and hold any prohibited
electronic devices prior to the start of the test administration.
Admission to the test shall be denied to any
student who is in possession of a cell phone or other prohibited electronic device and refuses to
relinquish it.
You cannot have any communications device, including a cell phone, with you during this
examination or during any breaks (such as a restroom visit). Such devices include, but are not limited
• Cell phones
• iPods and MP3 players
• iPads, tablets, and other eReaders
• Personal laptops, notebooks, or any other computing devices
• Cameras or other photographic equipment
• Wearable devices/smart wearables, including smart watches and health wearables with a display
• Headphones, headsets, or in-ear headphones such as earbuds, and
• Any other device capable of recording audio, photographic or video content, or capable of viewing
or playing back such content. You may not
keep your cell phone or any of these items with you, or near you, including in your pockets,
backpack, desk, etc. If you keep a cell phone or any of these items with you, your examination will be
invalidated and you will get no score.
Any student observed with any prohibited device while taking a State examination must be directed
to turn it over to the proctor or monitor immediately. To allow for all possible outcomes of procedural
due process, the student should be allowed to complete the examination. The incident must be
reported promptly to the school principal. If the principal determines that the student had a prohibited
device in his or her possession during the test administration, the student’s test must be invalidated.
No score may be calculated for that student. The incident must be promptly reported, in writing, to the Office of State Assessment.