m/u date is 1/27, same time & location as stated below.
Your Chapters 8 & 9 old-style content question quiz/test will be on Friday, 1/10. The Quizlet Review has been open since 12/19. If you have been in class, paid attention, done your homework, and study you should do very well on the test. STUDY THE REVIEW IN QUIZLET! Remember, all previous chapters are fair game to show up on your exam so be sure to review those topics in Quizlet, too!
Make up for legal absences is before school (per my make-up policy), last day to make up is Tuesday, 1/14. Failure to make-up the exam will result in a zero for that test. Cuts & illegal absences cannot be made up, and anyone late to class will not receive extra time on the exam. Make-up period ends at 7:15 AM. To have the same amount of time for the test as was offered in lass, you must arrive to 1823 by 6:45 AM. You can arrive after that time, but your time ends at 7:15 AM.
There is no Stimulus Exam for this chapter, so your Chapters 8 & 9 Video Packets are due this day as well.
If you can't come before school to make up the exam don't be absent for it!