Saturday, December 23, 2017

Merry & Happy!

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, & Happy 2018.

Enjoy your break.

Come back refreshed with all work due, done.

See you Jan. 2nd!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

DUE: Friday, 12/22, Signed Thinkwave Report, TEST GRADE

A printout was given out in class today.  If you were absent, I may still have yours in 1823, please come before 1st period to 1823/1825 to check. 

If you do not have one, was not in class, lost it, etc., you must print the 2nd Quarter at hoe write your 1st & last name on top with your class period, and have your parent sign the printout.  That is the only alternate acceptable for credit.

Easy test grade of 100 or 0 
100: You turned it in by the START of class on Friday, 12/22, when I walk by the rows to collect as I step into the room after the start bell has rung.
0: You did not do the above.  This includes you being late to class, passing it up late, etc. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS to this.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

DUE: 1/9, Ch 14 Sec 3 Notes

HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until Wednesday, 1/10 to come before school to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

Copy & paste the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

Copy & paste link for notes:

DUE: 1/8, Ch 14 Sec 1 & 2 Notes

HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until Wednesday, 1/10 to come before school to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

Copy & paste the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

Copy & paste link for notes:
Sec 1:

Sec 2:

QUIZ TODAY: 1/10. Chap 11 Vocab

Vocabulary Quiz on these on Wednesday, 1/10.  Your words will be due at that time.  You may write them out as a list on paper OR you may write each on a flash card (use a flashcard for the required homework heading.)   Required homework heading must be used.  Use your knowledge, notes, online textbook, handouts, or the Internet to find the definitions.

Homework Heading (required on all work submitted):

Your Name                                                   US History
Class Period                                                Assignment
(in this case, your assignment is Ch 11 Vocab)

If you are making flashcards they MUST be rubber-banded together BEFORE submitting AND BEFORE the bell rings (there are rubber bands behind my desk - ask me!), and you top card must be a heading card (see above.)  You will get extra credit for making flash cards.

Copy & paste the link below for the Vocab List:

Make up for legal absences is before school (per my make-up policy), last day to make up is Jan 12th. 

REMEMBER!!!  All words from all previous chapters are also fair game on this quiz!

QUIZ TODAY: Tuesday, 12/19, Ch 10 Vocab

Vocabulary Quiz on these on Tuesday, 12/19.  Your words will be due at that time.  You may write them out as a list on paper OR you may write each on a flash card (use a flashcard for the required homework heading.)   Required homework heading must be used.  Use your knowledge, notes, online textbook, handouts, or the Internet to find the definitions.

Homework Heading (required on all work submitted):

Your Name                                                   US History
Class Period                                                Assignment
(in this case, your assignment is Ch 10 Vocab)

If you are making flashcards they MUST be rubber-banded together BEFORE submitting AND BEFORE the bell rings (there are rubber bands behind my desk - ask me!), and you top card must be a heading card (see above.)  You will get extra credit for making flash cards.

Copy & paste the link below for the Vocab List:

Make up for legal absences is before school (per my make-up policy), last day to make up is Dec. 21st.

REMEMBER!!!  All words from all previous chapters are also fair game on this quiz!

TEST TODAY: Friday, 12/22, Chapter 10 Exam

Your Chapter 10 Exam will be on Friday, 12/22.  The Quizlet Review has been open since Dec. 10th.  If you have been in class, paid attention, done your homework, and study you should do very well on the test.  STUDY THE REVIEW IN QUIZLET - it was made using the material on your exam.  Remember to review Ch 1-9 as well, since it will also be on your exam.

Make up dates are Jan. 2 & 3, 6:50 - 7:15 am.  It is a full period exam, make up session ends at 7:30 am so be as early as possible for maximum time.  Failure to make-up the exam will result in a zero for that test.  Cuts & illegal absences cannot be made up, and anyone late to class will not receive extra time on the exam.

Please Note:  If Administration decides to use this date for another practice drill & it affects any of the periods I teach US History, your exam will be moved to Wednesday, 12/19 (2 days EARLIER, with a final make up date of 12/22.)  This will be announced in class & changed here if that occurs.  If this post does not change &/or you are not told in class, your exam remains as originally stated.

DUE: Tuesday, 1/2 Chapters 12 & 13 Notes

HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until Wednesday, 1/3 to come before school to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

This work is being posted 24 days in advance of the due date.  There is NO EXCUSE to not have it fully competed/  You have 2 weeks to get it done before break.

Copy & paste the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

Copy & paste link for notes:
Sec 1:

Sec 2:

Sec 3:

Chapter 13:

DUE: Monday, 12/18 Chap 11 Sec 5 Notes

HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until Wednesday, 12/20 to come before school to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

Copy & paste the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

Copy & paste link for notes:

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Please read this article.

And this is why when we tell you to practice a drill, your cells phones need to be SILENT, YOU need to be SILENT, you must move to here you have been told IMMEDIATELY, and you must follow ALL directions given by the teacher in the classroom you're in.  Any attention you bring - laughing, talking, sneezing, coughing, a cell phone buzzing or ringing...can all be the difference between living to go home that day or leaving in a body bag. 

Yes, it's really that serious. 

2 more kids who got up & went to school this morning are not going home.  Don't ever let it be you, and don't ever perform an action that causes someone else to never go home again.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Chapter 10 Videos

Chapter 10 Videos

Mexican War & Wilmot Proviso

America – The Story of Us: Fugitive Slave Law

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

The Kansas-Nebraska Act

The Caning of Charles Sumner

Dred Scott

The Lincoln-Douglas Debates (1858)

This is THE image for Manifest Destiny...

Image result for manifest destiny

Online Pow Wow Looking for Your Submissions

Interested in sports, community events, photography, poetry, & other school activities? If so, Ms. Buonaspina, Mr. Chamberlain, & Mr. Roderick would love you to participate:

Now that the online version of the paper is up and running, please encourage your students to check out the content and find ways to contribute themselves! We have an empty portfolio section just waiting for creative writers to fill it. We are also seeking sports writers and student athletes who can share photos and information about their games. We are further continually looking for photographers, artists, graphic designers, film students, and writers. We hope this new chapter will open many doors for our students and continue to shed light on the great things we do in Brentwood.

To access the site, you can visit this link: You can also access the site by going to the district web page, scrolling to the bottom, and clicking on the graphic that says "Pow Wow News" almost directly in the center of all the other tabs. 

With gratitude,
Pow Wow Advisory Board

Friday, November 17, 2017

Chapter 8 Videos

Chapter 8 videos

The Abolitionists: William Lloyd Garrison

Frederick Douglass

Nat Turner’s Rebellion

The Slave Codes

Women in the 19th Century

Monday, November 13, 2017

Online Textbook Site

Here's an alternate site for the US History online textbook, should you need it:

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

TEST TODAY: Friday, 12/8, Chapter 8 & 9 Exam

Your Chapters 8&9 Exam will be on Friday, 12/8.  The Quizlet Review has been open since November 8th.  If you have been in class, paid attention, done your homework, and study you should do very well on the test.  STUDY THE REVIEW IN QUIZLET - it was made using the material on your exam.  Remember to review Ch 1-7 as well, since it will also be on your exam.

Make up dates are Dec. 11 & 12, 6:50 - 7:15 am.  It is a full period exam, make up session ends at 7:30 am so be as early as possible for maximum time.  Failure to make-up the exam will result in a zero for that test.  Cuts & illegal absences cannot be made up, and anyone late to class will not receive extra time on the exam.

Chapter 7 Videos

Chapter 7 videos
Links posted below video in case the embedded video does not work

How the Cotton Gin Changed America

Henry Clay & the American System

McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)

The Missouri Compromise

The Age of Jackson

Worcester v. Georgia (1832)

Andrew Jackson & the Nullification Crisis

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Grades Finalized

I was at school until 8 pm Friday making sure every last stitch of work in my classroom was graded.  When I left, there was nothing left ungraded, everything as entered into Thinkwave, upcoming work for the new marking period was listed in Thinkwave, and 1st Quarter averages were finalized.  If you believe there is an error, please email me (I will not entertain conversations about an assignment as I will not remember to check for you - any requests to review a grade MUST be in writing via email by 3 pm on Monday, 11/6. 

You will receive a print out of the 1st MP on Wednesday in class, you are responsible to have it signed by your Parent/Guardian.  It is due at the beginning f your class on Monday, 11/13 (but you are welcome to turn it in early on 11/9.)  It is a test grade.  100 = done on time as directed.  0 = directions not followed. 

If you are legally absent on 11/8 & 11/9, you will need to print the 1st Quarter grades on your wn & have a parent sign them to turn n by the due date.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

QUIZ TODAY: Wednesday, 12/6, Ch 9 Vocab

Vocabulary Quiz on these on Wednesday, 12/6.  Your words will be due at that time.  You may write them out as a list on paper OR you may write each on a flash card (use a flashcard for the required homework heading.)   Required homework heading must be used.  Use your knowledge, notes, online textbook, handouts, or the Internet to find the definitions.

Homework Heading (required on all work submitted):

Your Name                                                   US History
Class Period                                                Assignment
(in this case, your assignment is Ch 9 Vocab)

If you are making flashcards they MUST be rubber-banded together BEFORE submitting AND BEFORE the bell rings (there are rubber bands behind my desk - ask me!), and you top card must be a heading card (see above.)  You will get extra credit for making flash cards.

Make up for legal absences is before school (per my make-up policy), last day to make up is Dec. 8th.

REMEMBER!!!  All words from all previous chapters are also fair game on this quiz!

1.    Specialization
2.    Market Revolution
3.    Entrepreneur
4.    Telegraph
5.    Manifest Destiny
6.    Santa Fe Trail
7.    Oregon Trail
8.    Mormons
9.    Joseph Smith
10.  54-40 or Fight
11.  Land Grant
12.  Alamo
13.  Sam Houston
14.  Republic of Texas
15.  Annex
16.  Gadsden Purchase
17.  Forty-Niners

18.  Gold Rush

QUIZ TODAY: Tuesday, 11/21, Ch 8 Vocab

Vocabulary Quiz on these on Wednesday, 11/15.  Your words will be due at that time.  You may write them out as a list on paper OR you may write each on a flash card (use a flashcard for the required homework heading.)   Required homework heading must be used.  Use your knowledge, notes, online textbook, handouts, or the Internet to find the definitions.

Homework Heading (required on all work submitted):

Your Name                                                   US History
Class Period                                                Assignment
(in this case, your assignment is Ch 8 Vocab)

If you are making flashcards they MUST be rubber-banded together BEFORE submitting AND BEFORE the bell rings (there are rubber bands behind my desk - ask me!), and you top card must be a heading card (see above.)  You will get extra credit for making flash cards.

Make up for legal absences is before school (per my make-up policy), last day to make up is Nov 29th.

REMEMBER!!!  All words from all previous chapters are also fair game on this quiz!

1.     Second Great Awakening
2.    Revival
3.    Ralph Waldo Emerson
4.    Transcendentalism
5.    Dorothea Dix
6.    Abolition
7.    William Lloyd Garrison
8.    Emancipation
9.    Frederick Douglass
10.  Nat Turner
11.  Antebellum
12.  Gag Rule
13.  Elizabeth Cady Stanton
14.  Lucretia Mott
15.  Cult of Domesticity
16.  Temperance Movement
17.  Seneca Falls Convention

18.  Sojourner Truth

DUE: Monday, 11/27 Ch 11 Sec 3 & 4 Notes

HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until Wednesday, 11/29 to come before school to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

Copy & paste the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

Copy & paste link for notes:

DUE: Monday, 11/20 Ch 11 Sec 1 & 2 Notes

HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until Tuesday, 11/28 to come before school to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

Copy & paste the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

Copy & paste link for notes:

DUE: Tuesday, 11/14 Ch 10 Sec 3 & 4 Notes

HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until Friday, 11/17 to come before school to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

Copy & paste the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

Copy & paste link for notes:

DUE: Monday, 11/13, Ch 10 Sec 1 & 2 Notes

HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until Friday, 11/17 to come before school to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.


Copy & paste the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

Copy & paste link for notes:

Interested? See me for details!

In an email I received from Administration today.  If you are interested, please see me for more details tomorrow:

We will be kicking off a Friendship Fellowship initiative.  This opportunity will be designed to unite and encourage students to embrace differences and share socially engaging strategies in developing healthy friendships. Friendship Fellowship will provide opportunities for positive socialization between students.
If you have a student(s) in your classes that exhibits strong leadership skills and enjoys working with others, please forward your recommendations to me.  We are looking for mentors that welcome the opportunity to share their skills in developing friendships.  

QUIZ TODAY: Wednesday, 11/15, Chapter 7 Vocab

Vocabulary Quiz on these on Wednesday, 11/15.  Your words will be due at that time.  You may write them out as a list on paper OR you may write each on a flash card (use a flashcard for the required homework heading.)   Required homework heading must be used.  Use your knowledge, notes, online textbook, handouts, or the Internet to find the definitions.

Homework Heading (required on all work submitted):

Your Name                                                   US History
Class Period                                                Assignment
(in this case, your assignment is Ch 7 Vocab)

If you are making flashcards they MUST be rubber-banded together BEFORE submitting AND BEFORE the bell rings (there are rubber bands behind my desk - ask me!), and you top card must be a heading card (see above.)  You will get extra credit for making flash cards.

Make up for legal absences is before school (per my make-up policy), last day to make up is Nov 17th.

REMEMBER!!!  All words from all previous chapters are also fair game on this quiz!

Copy & Paste for vocab list:

TEST TODAY: Friday, 11/17, Chapter 7 Exam

Your Chapter 7 Exam will be on Friday, 11/17.  The Quizlet Review has been open since October 18th.  If you have been in class, paid attention, done your homework, and study you should do very well on the test.  STUDY THE REVIEW IN QUIZLET - it was made using the material on your exam.  Remember to review Ch 1-6 as well, since it will also be on your exam.

Make up dates are Nov. 20 & 21, 6:50 - 7:15 am.  It is a full period exam, make up session ends at 7:30 am so be as early as possible for maximum time.  Failure to make-up the exam will result in a zero for that test.  Cuts & illegal absences cannot be made up, and anyone late to class will not receive extra time on the exam.

1st Marking Period is over...

I am in the process of catching up with grading & entering it into Thinkwave.  It should all be done by Tuesday (maybe earlier.)  As a reminder, tomorrow is the last day of the 1st MP for my grade book.  All work as of Monday, 11/6, will be for the 2nd MP.  This means that as soon as Thinkwave is updated (1) your grades for the MP will be finalized & (2) grades will be entered into Eschool for your report card.  Please be sure you have looked at Thinkwave in case I have made an error in your grades.  Nothing will be changed after Monday, 11/6.

Starting Immediately

It is November, and I am tired of repeating myself.  I am not asking for expensive items that your parents have to buy or even get to the store on a regular basis for.  I am asking for things that cost nothing OR cost less than shoelaces.  I am willing to bet a pen & a highlighter are, in fact, the least expensive things on your person during the school day, and yet many of you seem to feel that these necessary & required supplies are not that necessary.  So, moving forward, you will have a weekly Classwork grade, which will be an average of each school day that week.  Missing any of these items (or not having them when directed to turn to them) will cause a loss in all points for the day.  So, it is 100 or 0.  To be clear, you must have with you for every class:

1. A standard blue or black pen (I suggest at least 2 in case one runs out on you)
2. A working highlighter (any color)
3. Your notes
4. Your handouts (which should be in your binder with the notes for the chapter that the handouts are about)
In addition, being ate to class without an acceptable-to-me excuse OR an illegal absence will result n a zero for that day.  Late hall, need to get an ID, something I did not approve, no one has called you in sick...all unacceptable.  Not paying attention, head down, not doing work as directed, phone goes off during class, even if collected, talking to others in class & not on task...all unacceptable.  Legal absences will not be counted & your weekly average will be divided only by the remaining days in the week (so if in 4 days, I will divide by 4 instead of 5.)

#1: In a 5-day school week you were in class, on time, and had everything needed for every day.  You paid attention & did your work as assigned.  100 for all 5 days = 100 for week.

#2.  Absent Monday, no one calls you in sick. (0)  Late to class Tuesday.  (0)  No highlighter Thursday. (0)  Wednesday & Friday you were prepared (100 each.)  200 divided by 5 days = grade of 40 for the week.

#3.  Legally absent Monday & Tuesday.  Prepared Wednesday & Thursday, but can;t find handouts on Friday.  3 days of school, 200 divided by 3 = 67.

Any questions?  Please see me before or after class.  Questions about your specific issues?  See me before school.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Ch 6 Test - now Friday, 11/3. New make up date is 11/6.
HWQ remain 11/2.

Saturday, October 28, 2017


Be sure you are looking at ALL due dates!  Works posted today (October) but due in November will NOT show up in the  "November" menu n the blog.  It goes by date POSTED, NOT date due!  Be sure you are scrolling through "older posts" so you don't miss anything.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

UPDATES, as stated in class today

See the original posts for make up procedures.  Only the dates have changed.

Ch 6 Vocab Quiz: was today.  M/U 10/27 & 10/30
Ch 6 Exam: moved to 11/1.  M/U 11/2 & 11/3
HWQ for Ch 7 Sec 4 through & including Ch 9 Sec 4 will all be on 11/2.  M/U 11/3
Ch 7 Vocab list & quiz: moved, date TBA next week.
CH 7 Exam: moved, date TBA next week.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Your Chapter 7 Exam will be on Friday, 11/3.  The Quizlet Review has been open since October 18th.  If you have been in class, paid attention, done your homework, and study you should do very well on the test.  STUDY THE REVIEW IN QUIZLET - it was made using the material on your exam.  Remember to review Ch 1-6 as well, since it will also be on your exam.

Make up for legal absences is before school (per my make-up policy) is 11/6, 11/8, & 11/9.  Failure to make-up the exam will result in a zero for that test.  Cuts & illegal absences cannot be made up, and anyone late to class will not receive extra time on the exam.


Vocabulary Quiz on these on Thursday, 11/2.  Your words will be due at that time.  You may write them out as a list on paper OR you may write each on a flash card (use a flashcard for the required homework heading.)   Required homework heading must be used.  Use your knowledge, notes, online textbook, handouts, or the Internet to find the definitions.

Homework Heading (required on all work submitted):

Your Name                                                   US History
Class Period                                                Assignment
(in this case, your assignment is Ch 7 Vocab)

If you are making flashcards they MUST be rubber-banded together BEFORE submitting AND BEFORE the bell rings (there are rubber bands behind my desk - ask me!), and you top card must be a heading card (see above.)  You will get extra credit for making flash cards.

Make up for legal absences is before school (per my make-up policy), last day to make up is Monday, 11/6.

REMEMBER!!!  All words from all previous chapters are also fair game on this quiz!

Copy & Paste for vocab list:

DUE: Wednesday, 11/1 Ch 9 Sec 3 & 4 Notes

HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until Friday, 11/4 to come before school to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

Copy & paste the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

Notes are below (no link for these):
Sec 3:

Sec 4:

DUE: Tuesday, 10/31 Ch 9 Sec 2 Notes

HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until Friday, 11/4 to come before school to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

Copy & paste the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

Notes are below (no link for these):

DUE: Monday, 10/30 Ch 8 Sec 3 & 4; Ch 9 Sec 1 Notes

HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until Friday, 11/4 to come before school to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

Copy & paste the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

Notes are below (no link for these):

Ch 8 Section 3:

Ch 8 Section 4:

Ch 9 Sec 1: