Monday, December 30, 2019

RESCHEDULED FOR 1/17 Ch 8 & 9 Content Exam

m/u date is 1/27, same time & location as stated below.

Your Chapters 8 & 9 old-style content question quiz/test will be on Friday, 1/10.  The Quizlet Review has been open since 12/19.  If you have been in class, paid attention, done your homework, and study you should do very well on the test.  STUDY THE REVIEW IN QUIZLET!  Remember, all previous chapters are fair game to show up on your exam so be sure to review those topics in Quizlet, too!

Make up for legal absences is before school (per my make-up policy), last day to make up is Tuesday, 1/14.  Failure to make-up the exam will result in a zero for that test.  Cuts & illegal absences cannot be made up, and anyone late to class will not receive extra time on the exam.  Make-up period ends at 7:15 AM.  To have the same amount of time for the test as was offered in lass, you must arrive to 1823 by 6:45 AM.  You can arrive after that time, but your time ends at 7:15 AM.

There is no Stimulus Exam for this chapter, so your Chapters 8 & 9 Video Packets are due this day as well.

If you can't come before school to make up the exam don't be absent for it!

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Time's Up!

The last chance, final deadline has now passed.

I hope you emailed to participate in the 
"last chance" extra credit.

Friday, December 13, 2019

One last chance...

Didn't bother to read the extra credit post?  

I hope you learned your lesson.

In the spirit of the holidays, 
I will offer you one. last. chance.

If you email me by noon on Sunday, 
I will allow you to participate for 5 points on your average.  
See the original posts for details & directions.
(Be sure to follow the directions or you will not be approved.)

Festive Week Questions, Answers, & Clarifications

To answer some questions I was asked during the week:

1.  Yes, an animal dressed for Christmas, etc. on your shirt counts (depending on the theme of  the day of course.)

2.  No, a Santa hat or Reindeer headband by themselves do not count.  Pair it with a red shirt (or white, or black, or a combo like Santa's suit has) with the hat.  If a Reindeer, do the same in brown, etc.  Elves usually wear green or yellow but any bright primary color should do, especially if it matches your headband/hat.  

3.  Yes, of course Christmas/Holiday/Winter Onesie's count as comfy!!!

4.  No, your formal wear does not have to be red or green. Yes, it can be a very nice outfit you would wear to Church, etc., fancy dinner, or a party where you need to be "dressed."

5.  "I can't get dressed Thursday because of the concert."  Actually, you will be neatly dressed for the concert already, and that counts.  However, if you are scheduled to perform during your class period with me, you must come to be before 7:20 am to show me you are here & dressed.  Failure to do this means you are "absent."  See below.  (I am in ISS 1st period, if your bus gets you to school at 7:20 you can find me there before 7:35 but must have permission from your teacher if you are missing class to find me.  I will not issue a pass because you are late to class.)

6.  "What if I'm absent one day?"  Then you lose the points.  Same if you are late to class any day next week.  The rules were clear - all in or all out.

7.  "I don't have an ugly Holiday t-shirt or sweater."  Make one.  Get an old t-shirt & staple garland to it.  Add Christmas ornaments, balls, etc. from the Dollar Store if you want.  Be creative.  it's supposed to be ugly & hideous & make us laugh.

8.  No, you don't have to celebrate Christmas to participate.  It's in the spirit of holiday fun.  Any holiday at this time of year will do - Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Christmas, Winter Solstice...whatever.

Other questions?  Email me.  If I have time to read emails this weekend I'll either respond to you directly or add your question here.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Festive Extra Credit

It is 5 pm.

The extra credit deadline has now passed. :( 

I hope you signed up.

I hope you earn the points.

I hope you didn't miss out because you don't check the page daily for updates.

And yes, of course you can participate in the festive fun next week even though you missed the deadline, and I hope you do!!  You missed the deadline for extra credit, not for having fun.

Buh Bye 10 Fun & Easy Points...

The extra credit offer will expire at 5 pm today sharp.  Emails will be accepted (or not) based on the time received & if the directions were followed.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Period 5...

This only pertains to those of you that take or ask for BelVita.  If that's not you, you can stop reading.  If it is, keep reading please.

We need some alternate solutions.  I will still buy some, but it's costing me over $100 a month in BelVita for you guys.  I have to cut that down a little. 

Here are some alternate things I would like for you to try with me (because there are 8 of you as of this post):

1. I pay for these, so if you didn't do your homework OR have the notes needed in class on any given day, please do not take a BelVita.  This has always been my rule but some of you have not honored it.

2.  Consider participating in our RAK Wall.  If you stop by in the morning you can pick up an index card to fill out before getting to class.  You can give it to me as you walk in, and I'll allow to take some pretzels to snack on instead  the BelVita.  I'm doing something kind for you - consider it your turn to be kind to someone else.  If you need details on the RAK wall do a search for past posts.  This still gives you a snack if I run out of BelVita that day, OR you do not have the HW or notes for the day (since the RAK Wall does not require either of those.)

3.  Consider picking up breakfast or a bagel at the cafeteria if you don't already do that.  If you are eligible for free or reduced lunch but have not done the paperwork, DO IT!!!  Remember, you can get SAT & may be even some college application fee waivers with that same paperwork.  You can eat the bagel in class (as long as it doesn't interfere with your participation in class, just like the BelVita.)

I want you to be able to have a snack but you have to work with me here.  It's 33% of you class and that's just too much for me to do by myself every day.  Thanks n advance for trying these alternate ideas.  You can certainly witch it up (bagel on Monday, BelVita Tuesday, pretzels Wednesday etc.)

Monday, December 9, 2019

Are you really giving up 10 points?!

Remember, if you want to participate in the 
10-points-on-your-average Festive Challenge, email me by the deadline! 
(See the original post for details & deadlines!)

Make-Ups for Today's HWQs

Make-ups for today's HWQs (9/4 & all of Ch 10) will be Tuesday & Thursday (not Wednesday due to weather forecasts.)  Same times & location.

Chapter 8 Videos

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Festive Extra Credit - Read the ENTIRE Post to Participate!

What do you say we have a Festive Challenge next week (12/16)?  Winners will (1) likely get themselves in some candid Yearbook pictures (since we are, literally, across the hall from the adviser!) & (2) earn some extra credit. Read through to the end to see how to start getting the points!

The Rules (it's me, you know there are going to be rules!!)
1.  You have to participate every day - Monday - Friday.  There is no partial credit.  You're all in or you're out!!  

ONLY EXCEPTION: ROTC Uniforms on their required day.  I will verify mandatory uniform day(s) for next week with ROTC.  If you are dressed for ROTC on that day, I will count it as as "festive" day for you since you have no choice.

2.  You need to be in class on time, no late passes.  You must be present all 5 days, too.

3.  You must wear it ALL DAY.  No cheating.  I'll find out. ;) 

4.  You need to be dressed in the theme of the day.  According to the email we received last week, the themes are:

Monday - "Comfy Cozy Christmas."  

To me, this means appropriate Christmas PJs, Christmas t-shirt, Christmas pants or leggings, etc.  Again, I will count Winter or any December Holiday theme.

Tuesday - Santa, Elf, or Reindeer Attire

Be creative.  And yes, I'll accept a t-shirt with Santa, Elves, etc. on it...let me re,d you of that rule about it being appropriate (some shirts have some very funny sayings but are 100% NOT appropriate for school...those won't count.)

Wednesday - Holiday Colors.  
Red, green, silver, gold, blue, white, & any combo of them.  Be festive & fun.  Wear mismatched clothes int he colors.  Be creative. As long as you are Christmas-y, winter-y - you're good.  Get the idea?

Thursday - Formal Wear
Get decked out in your favorite fancy Holiday or Winter Wear.  While they say "formal" (which means dressy), I will count any nice, neat outfit that fits the holidays.  Dress, skirt, blouse, button down shirt, slacks, holiday tie, etc.

Friday - Ugly Apparel 
Ugly sweater, shirt, pants, dress, etc. Don't have one?  Be creative!  Attach ornaments to a t-shirt, tape on some garland, etc.  It's supposed to be hideous.  That's the fun of it.  :)

What do you win?  Everyone who participates every day & is in class, on time, will get 10 points added to their 2nd MP average.  That's right, 10 points. 

And just to get us all in the spirit of things, I will participate with you.  I have no idea what I'll do for for a few of the days but like you, I have a week to figure it out!

So...who's in for 10 points?  Email me ( with your 1st & last name & class period for you to be added to the list to check off each day next week (12/16.)  Deadline to email your participation is Thursday, 12/12, 5 pm sharp.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Packet Reminder

Whether or not we do all of it together in class, your entire packet for each chapter must be complete when turned in on the due date.  This has been posted before & said many times in class so should be a surprise to no one.  This includes document as well as video questions.

Next 3 Weeks

You will need at least Chapters 8 & 9 to use in class before the break, possibly part of Ch 10.  

If you did not copy them when due, get them copied now.

Or get zeros in class when you're called on when you are unprepared.

And then risk failing the marking period.

And maybe the entire course.

Fair Warning...

Fair warning - you're getting quizzed n Ch 7 Secs 2 & 3 without your notes tomorrow...

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Quizlet & Other Info

Hope you all had a relaxing 5 days off & are ready to hit the ground running tomorrow.  A snow day would have been nice, but since that's not happening, but sure to use your extra time with no homework to get caught up on what you need for class as well as the upcoming homework starting this week.  See you tomorrow!

1.  Some of you continue to tell me you are not approved in Quizlet but followed the directions regarding my username requirements.  As of this posting, there are NO PENDING STUDENTS WITH THE PROPER USERNAME.  There are, however, several pending without the proper username & will not be approved until they are changed.  If you applied to join the class but still can;t see my study sets, then you're one of these people.  FIX YOUR USERNAME!!

2.  Only 3 More Fridays until Christmas break!!  MAKE THEM COUNT!!! 
Breakdown: 11 classes, 1 sub day (I'm at a Conference), 1 Quiz day, 2 Exam days.

3.  Only 2 more Fridays until Progress Reports.

4.  Your work for December & through the first day back in January was posted before Thanksgiving.  Make the decision to do it all, on time, and to study!

5.  After we get back from Christmas Break, there are only 2 weeks left for grades in the 2nd MP.  That's it.  There is no time to recover from not doing your work or not studying...get it all done when it's due!

DUE 1/6: Ch 12 Secs 1, 2, & 3


HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until Tuesday, 1/7 to come to 1823 before 7:15 am to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

Click (or copy & paste) the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

Label the notes as indicated in the link:



This was originally posted on 11/25 to give you 42 days notice hat you have work due the day we come back from break.  You had NO HW over Thanksgiving (or the entire week on 11/25), so no excuses will be considered for not having this work done.

A Reminder About Postings & Due Dates

As a reminder, your work due in December was posted in November, so it will still be listed in November on the right side menu.  It will NOT show up under the November menu.  Please keep this in mind as you look for what's due if you don't start it in advance.  I always post early to give you plenty of time to get the work done at your own pace, but this means that you may need to click on the previous month to see the posting.