Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Practice Exam #1 Closed at 4 pm Today

Any test submitted after the cut-off time of 4 pm goes "invisible" for me.  If you did the exam but get a 0 in Thinkwave, you failed to complete it in the 9 days allotted, before the time it closed down today (4 pm, per the post for Practice Exam #1.)

Scores are on a sliding scale based on the same post, look at the number you got correct.  That's what is being used for your grade.

If that score is under 40, 
you will fail the Regents Exam.
You have 5 only classes remaining!

Remember, this was an actual exam. 
It was the Part I from August 2017.

Perfect Attendance & Review

If you have signed up for Friday's review but have been invited to the Perfect Attendance Luncheon, please let me know by Friday so I can mark you as coming late (so I know you didn't bail.)  It is perfectly fine for you to come to review late in order to celebrate this achievement. 

Final Exam: 50% of grade is...

You MUST have your review book with your for your final exam period. 

50% of your grade for the day is being prepared which includes all of the following:
Index Cards, Dividers, Highlighter, Pens, Paper/Binder, Review Book.

You cannot take the final if you do not have your review book.  I repeat, in different words...

Please be sure you know when your final exam period meets (date & time), it will be held in our classroom.

Your averages...

Can your current average handle a zero?

If not, make sure you do the online exams!

Ch 28 Video Packets

It was brought to my attention that the Ch 28 packets may be part of the Ch 27 packets.  I have not graded 27, but only a few people turned in what I thought was 28 & Thinkwave was updated accordingly.  I will look into the matter based on the videos posted for each n their post & change grades as necessary as I grade the Ch 27 Packets.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Those who attended review today...

Those of you there until the end today...remember what I said about regaining the points from today...

ALL HWQs: 5/29 (Ch 29, all sections, Ch 29, all sections, Ch 30, sections 1-4)

All Ch 28, 29, & most of Ch 30 HWQs will be done at the start of class on Tuesday, 5/29.  Please be sure you read the final extra credit post before deciding you don't have to do the work.  Remember, just because you have the notes doesn't mean you can write "whatever" as you must answer the question fully & correctly.

Still Failing the Course? Read Me.

One FINAL chance for a decent grade for the 4th MP and, just maybe, a passing grade for the course.  This applies only for work due Saturday, 5/26 through & including Friday, 6/1.  It is for  classes that meet from 5/29-6/1.

What you must do to qualify:
1. Be on time daily
2. No illegal absences
3. Prepared with all required supplies (index cards, dividers, highlighter, pen)
4. No failing HWQ, Video packet, quiz, or exam grades for that time period
(blank questions on video packets lad to failing grades, just an fyi)
5. Must study & complete at least 3 different Regents Review sets on Quizlet between 5/25 & 6/1
(Remember, Quizlet tells me how active you were, how quickly you finished a set, the mode you chose to use, etc.  Anything shady will be disqualified, so study in any mode you choose but do it the right way!)

What you get if you do all of the above:
QUADRUPLE REVIEW POINTS on your 4th MP average for MY REVIEW ONLY on 6/1, from 2-5:30 pm (must stay for the entire review.)
(If you are not allowed to attend my review due to past behavioral or cutting/chronic late issues, I will consider allowing this perk for dept review.)  
This means that, if you follow 1-5 above for 5/26-6/1 & attend the 6/1 review, you will earn 14  points on your average just for that one review date.  

But wait, there's more...
IF you stay eligible for the quadruple points for 6/1 AND you attend that review...I will allow you to earn them again on 6/8 IF you meet the same conditions for the time period 6/2-6/8.  You must do 3 more/different Quizlet reviews.

If you do that, and remain eligible based on 1-5 above for work due 6/9-6/13 (which is AFTER the review date), I will extend the quadruple points for the 6/11 review, too.  You must do 3 more/different Quizlet reviews before 7 am on 6/13.  

Do the math - that's a total of 42 points IF you pull this off (& it isn't hard to do.)  Just about anyone should be able to pass the 4th MP is they do this.  PLUS one point per hour of dept review you attend, if you attend any during the week & provide my signed slip as proof

Once you lose your eligibility the 1st week, you are back to 1 point per hour at review.  There is no 2nd chance since this is your very last chance.  Most of you didn't bother to take advantage of the triple points hat ended today.  Foolish, if you look at your averages.  The only way to continue with the quadruple points is to remain eligible.  Keep in mind I only have enough review cards for 36 people, there are 90 of you, and people at the Friday review get 1st shot at next weeks sign up.

Just to be sure you have read this all the way through, post a comment below with your first & last name & class period.  If you do this by 7 pm on Saturday, 5/26, I will give you an additional 5 points (total) if you remain eligible for the 1st week. 

Monday, May 21, 2018

Practice Part I #6 Closes Today: Wed., 6/12

Your Regents Exam Part I Practice #6 in Castle Learning will close on Tues., 6/12 at 8 pm.  This is an actual Part 1 from a prior Regents Exam so is a good indicator how you are progressing to get to or keep above 40 correct.

First try only counts.  Test is timed at 50 minutes.  Once you open the exam, time begins & there is no "pause" button, which means you can sign out & go back to it later.  No make-ups since it is online.  If you don't finish in the allotted time, anything unanswered is wrong, just like if you left it blank in class.

Your exam score will be based on the following chart, NOT what CL tells you.  It goes by the number correct out of 50.  It counts the same as any other exam.

50 = 100
46-49 = 95
40-45 = 90
35-39 = 80
30-24 = 70
25-29 = 60
20-24 = 50
0-19 = 1 point per correct answer

Practice Part I #5 Closes Today: Mon. 6/11

Your Regents Exam Part I Practice #5 in Castle Learning will close on Mon. 6/11 at 7 pm.  This is an actual Part 1 from a prior Regents Exam so is a good indicator how you are progressing to get to or keep above 40 correct.

First try only counts.  Test is timed at 50 minutes.  Once you open the exam, time begins & there is no "pause" button, which means you can sign out & go back to it later.  No make-ups since it is online.  If you don't finish in the allotted time, anything unanswered is wrong, just like if you left it blank in class.

Your exam score will be based on the following chart, NOT what CL tells you.  It goes by the number correct out of 50.  It counts the same as any other exam.

50 = 100
46-49 = 95
40-45 = 90
35-39 = 80
30-24 = 70
25-29 = 60
20-24 = 50
0-19 = 1 point per correct answer

Practice Part I #4 Closes Today: Fri., 6/8

Your Regents Exam Part I Practice #4 in Castle Learning will close on Fri., 4/8 at 7 pm.  This is an actual Part 1 from a prior Regents Exam so is a good indicator how you are progressing to get to or keep above 40 correct.

First try only counts.  Test is timed at 50 minutes.  Once you open the exam, time begins & there is no "pause" button, which means you can sign out & go back to it later.  No make-ups since it is online.  If you don't finish in the allotted time, anything unanswered is wrong, just like if you left it blank in class.

Your exam score will be based on the following chart, NOT what CL tells you.  It goes by the number correct out of 50.  It counts the same as any other exam.

50 = 100
46-49 = 95
40-45 = 90
35-39 = 80
30-24 = 70
25-29 = 60
20-24 = 50
0-19 = 1 point per correct answer

Practice Part I #3 Closes Today: Wed., 6/6

Your Regents Exam Part I Practice #3 in Castle Learning will close on Wed., 6/6 at 4 pm.  This is an actual Part 1 from a prior Regents Exam so is a good indicator how you are progressing to get to or keep above 40 correct.

First try only counts.  Test is timed at 50 minutes.  Once you open the exam, time begins & there is no "pause" button, which means you can sign out & go back to it later.  No make-ups since it is online.  If you don't finish in the allotted time, anything unanswered is wrong, just like if you left it blank in class.

Your exam score will be based on the following chart, NOT what CL tells you.  It goes by the number correct out of 50.  It counts the same as any other exam.

50 = 100
46-49 = 95
40-45 = 90
35-39 = 80
30-24 = 70
25-29 = 60
20-24 = 50
0-19 = 1 point per correct answer

Practice Pat I #2 Closes Today: Sun. 6/3

Your Regents Exam Part I Practice #2 in Castle Learning will close on Sun., 6/3 at 10 am.  This is an actual Part 1 from a prior Regents Exam so is a good indicator how you are progressing to get to or keep above 40 correct.

First try only counts.  Test is timed at 50 minutes.  Once you open the exam, time begins & there is no "pause" button, which means you can sign out & go back to it later.  No make-ups since it is online.  If you don't finish in the allotted time, anything unanswered is wrong, just like if you left it blank in class.

Your exam score will be based on the following chart, NOT what CL tells you.  It goes by the number correct out of 50.  It counts the same as any other exam.

50 = 100
46-49 = 95
40-45 = 90
35-39 = 80
30-24 = 70
25-29 = 60
20-24 = 50
0-19 = 1 point per correct answer

Practice Part I #1 Closes Today: Wed. 5/30

Your Regents Exam Part I Practice #1 in Castle Learning will close on Wed., 5/30 at 4 pm.  This is an actual Part 1 from a prior Regents Exam so is a good indicator how you are progressing to get to or keep above 40 correct.

First try only counts.  Test is timed at 50 minutes.  Once you open the exam, time begins & there is no "pause" button, which means you can sign out & go back to it later.  No make-ups since it is online.  If you don't finish in the allotted time, anything unanswered is wrong, just like if you left it blank in class.

Your exam score will be based on the following chart, NOT what CL tells you.  It goes by the number correct out of 50.  It counts the same as any other exam.

50 = 100
46-49 = 95
40-45 = 90
35-39 = 80
30-24 = 70
25-29 = 60
20-24 = 50
0-19 = 1 point per correct answer

Sunday, May 20, 2018

"Last Chance" is Upon You

Before you decide you don't have to do your work for the week, consider the following:

1. Have you checked Thinkwave for your current average?
2. Have you done your work, passed your assessments, & attended review to be eligible for extra credit points?
3. Are you aware that there are only a couple of reviews left (total) to earn extra credit points and, just maybe, be able to pull put a passing 4th M grade that could save your year?
4. Have you met with Guidance to determine what it will mean to not graduate on time, since if you fail this course you will need to repeat it, and that means being a year behind in NYS Graduation Requirements.
5. Do you remember that next year you must take & pass the new Common Core Regents Exam if you fail the course OR Exam this year?

12 classes left as of this posting.  MAKE. THEM. COUNT.

12 Classes until your Regents: Review Sign Up Reminders

Sign up for my Friday Review starts Monday & ends Wednesday.  There will be a sign up sheet n your classroom.  If you sign up, it is expected that you have made the commitment to show up.  The review is from 2-5:30 pm (late bus passes provided.)  If you cannot stay for the entire review, don't sign up.  Remember, if you blew off last week's review after signing up you cannot attend this week.  Extra Credit eligibility starts again each Monday, so make yourself eligible all week & attend as many reviews as you can to take advantage of the ONE TIME TRIPLE POINT DEAL for this week.  It will NOT be repeated, and no exceptions will be made regarding eligibility.  Do all your work, all your online exams, pass your quizzes/exams, be in class, be prepared, act appropriately, and be in time.  If you are attending a Department Review, be sure to get a slip from me BEFORE your class for that teacher to sign so you get your points IF you remain eligible by the end of the week.

SPACE IS LIMITED.  I have room for 34, there are 90 of you...  You can sign up before school, before your class begins, or after our class ends.

Pizza is $1.25 per slice.  Please have exact change as I don't usually have single or quarters.  You can order as many slices as you like.  The pie is $10 with tip, which works out to $1.25 per slice, I pay the tax.  This is not a fundraiser, it is the exact cost of the slice.  I will place the order based on how many paid slices have been ordered about 30 min into review.  Money is collected at review not before.

BYO drinks or refillable water bottles.  These will not be provided.

You may bring other food with you if you don't care for pizza.  As they take too long & review time is short, no other menu  items will be ordered, sorry.  You cannot have food delivered by Uber or another take-out place, sorry.

Some good Regents Review videos...

Here are links to some good review videos:

Some Review Websites

These posts list some good review websites:

Quizlet Regents Review Now Open

Quizlet Regents Review is now open.  These cards reflect questions & content from past Regents Exams,  They are not the same as the flash cards you will do in class.  It is simply another study tool for you to use.  They are arranged by theme, same as in class.

Exams closing

Check the postings or sue date s- you gave tests opening & closing multiple times per week!

Review Supplies Reminders & Info

You will start review flash cards in class this week.  Your supplies (originally due in class on 5/14) are required as of Monday, 5/21, in class.  Failure to be without your cards, dividers, highlighters, pens (no gel pens, standard blue or black ink) will cause you to be marked unprepared, which in turn affects you ability to earn extra credit points for reviews attended that week.

Flash cards WILL NOT be posted.  If you miss class, or are late to class & miss cards, there is no make-up for them.  These are IN-CLASS ONLY.  Not before school, not after school, no posted online...even if legally absent.  Don't be out, don't be late, or have a plan to get the review you missed.

If you study the cards EVERY NIGHT for at east 30 minutes (longer if you have failed any marking period), you *should* be OK on the Regents Exam.

Friday, May 18, 2018

TRIPLE POINTS: One Week Only. Read this for details...


If you are in class every day, prepared with all materials (including Regents Review supplies), on time, all your work completed, and passing grades on all assessments, you will earn TRIPLE POINTS for after school Regents Review this week ONLY.

However, you lose this opportunity if you do not meet the criteria.

Choose wisely...

REMINDER: if you blew off review today after signing up for it, you cannot my Friday review on 5/25.  You CAN and SHOULD attend all Department Reviews offered this week.

Thursday, May 17, 2018


Yes, there is still review tomorrow. 

If you did not sign up Mon or Tues & waited until the last minute...lesson learned, I hope.  If you are eligible to attend review, point or not, did not sign up, but now want to attend, you can email me BEFORE 5 PM TONIGHT to get on the list.  After that, the list is closed.


  • BYO Drink
  • BYO $ for pizza - $1.25 per slice, order as many slices as you like
  • We meet no later than 2:10 in the Sonderling Senior Cafeteria.  If you get there before me, just wait there.  
  • Late bus passes will be given.  WALKERS need to submit a permission slip from their parents stated it is OK to walk home.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

DUE 5/30: 30/5 Notes

HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until 6/1 to come before school to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

Copy & paste the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

Ch 30 Sec 5 (copy & paste link):

EXAM CLOSES 5/29: Ch 28 Video Pkt, 29/3, Notes, 30/1-4 Notes

Your Chapter 28 Castle Learning Online Exam will open at on Tu, 5/22 & closes at 7 pm on Tu, 5/29.  This gives you 8 days to complete, with 5 days on school computers.

First try only counts.  Test is not timed, which means you can sign out & go back to it later.  No make-ups since it is online.  If you don't finish (deadline locks it, etc.), anything unanswered is wrong, just like if you left it blank in class.  Quizlet for this exam is also open, but you are best using your notes & video sheets to help you answer the questions for this exam.


Your Chapter 28 Video Packet(s) are due at the start of class on 5/29 as well.


HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until 6/1 to come before school to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

Copy & paste the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

Ch 29 Sec 3 (copy & paste link):

Chapter 30 (copy & paste each for Sections 1-4):

DUE 5/24: 29/2 Notes

HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until 5/25 to come before school to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

Copy & paste the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

Ch 29 Sec 2 (copy & paste link):

EXAM CLOSES: 5/23, Ch 27 Exam, Video Pkt, 29/1 Notes

Your Chapter 27 Castle Learning Online Exam will open at on Th, 5/17 & closes at 7 pm on Tu, 5/23.  This gives you 6 days to complete, with 5 days on school computers.

First try only counts.  Test is not timed, which means you can sign out & go back to it later.  No make-ups since it is online.  If you don't finish (deadline locks it, etc.), anything unanswered is wrong, just like if you left it blank in class.  Quizlet for this exam is also open, but you are best using your notes & video sheets to help you answer the questions for this exam.


Your Chapter 27 Video Packet(s) are due at the start of class on 5/23 as well.


HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until 5/25 to come before school to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

Copy & paste the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

Ch 29 Sec 1 (copy & paste link):

Chapter 29 Videos

The Warren Court

The Civil Rights & the 1950s

The Civil Rights & the 1960s

Chapter 28 Videos

The Presidency of John F. Kennedy

The Great Society & Lyndon B. Johnson

Chapter 27 Videos

The Presidency of Dwight D. “Ike” Eisenhower”

1950s: The Modern America

Chapter 26 Videos

The Cold War: US vs. USSR

The Cold War: Asia

McCarthyism in 10 Minutes

McCarthyism & the 2nd Red Scare

Review Reminders: Sign Ups, Pizza Cost, BYO Drink

Sign up for my Friday Reviews start Monday & ends Wednesday of each week.  There will be a sign up sheet n your classroom.  If you sign up, it is expected that you have made the commitment to show up.  The review is from 2-5:30 pm (late bus passes provided.)  If you cannot stay for the entire review, don't sign up.

SPACE IS LIMITED.  I have room for 34, there are 90 of you...  You can sign up before school, before your class begins, or after our class ends.

Pizza is $1.25 per slice.  Please have exact change as I don't usually have single or quarters.  You can order as many slices as you like.  The pie is $10 with tip, which works out to $1.25 per slice.  This is not a fundraiser, it is the exact cost of the slice.  I will place the order based on how many paid slices have been ordered about 30 min into reivew.  Money is collected at review not before.

BYO drinks or refillable water bottles.  These will not be provided.

You may bring other food with you if you don't care for pizza.  As they take too long & review time is short, no other menu  items will be ordered, sorry.

Extra Credit System Starting Monday. You Should Read This.

After School Regents Review will be handled in this manner moving forward.  A few slight changes have been made for clarification purposes.  Please read carefully to see which of the categories you fall into - the week starts with work due on Monday & ends with work due on Friday.  Everyone is "reset" come the following Monday.  If you don't do what you are supposed to for next week, you can still qualify for something different the week after, depending on what YOU do. 

These policies are for my review & the "official" Department Reviews held multiple times each week after school.  Those dates, times, & locations were previously posted on the blog as well as in your classroom.  As a reminder, those students with discipline issues, behavioral issues, or significant cutting/late to class all year cannot attend my review but are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to attend as many of the Department reviews held each week as possible.

Extra credit points given per hour of review attended will be added directly to your 4th MP average, up to a grade of 100. If you exceed that grade based on your average & points,    I will consider an adjustment to your course grade...which might lead to a passing course grade if you can earn at least an 85 on the Regents Exam.  This is EXTRA, so I am not required to do it.  The policies below will be used as of work due Monday, 5/14. 

Option A:
All of your work was done, fully complete, according to the directions given, & was submitted on time.  You earned a passing grade on all quizzes & exams given that week (including HWQs.)  You were not late to class or illegally absent.

If this describes you (for any week moving forward), and you are signed up for review, you will earn double points on your 4th MP average.  That means for every hour of review you attend* you will earn 2 points on your 4th MP average.

Example: my review is 3.5 hours.  If you attend, are on time for review, & you qualify for Option A you will earn 7 points for that one review.  I have 5 reviews.  Do the math...look at Thinkwave...think about what you needed for the 4th MP to pass the course...

Option B:
All of your work was done, fully complete, according to the directions, you passed all your HWQs, but you failed one or more quiz or exam this week.  You were not late to class or illegally absent.

If this describes you (for any week moving forward), and you are signed up for review, you will earn single points on your 4th MP average.  That means for every hour of review you attend* you will earn 1 point on your 4th MP average.

Option C:
All of your work was not done or was incomplete.  You were late to class &/or illegally missed class.  You are not eligible for extra credit points this week.

This also applies to anyone who signed up for my last review but failed to show up, left a review before it ended, or cancelled after the deadline, causing another student to miss out on that spot.

*Verification slips are required as proof of attendance for Department Reviews (not necessary for mine.)  These must be filled out by the teacher holding the review at the end f the review session.  You must get it form me the day or the review (or Friday if a Saturday review) and turn in at the start of your class the next day.  Failure to do either of these will result in no extra points being granted/earned.  

Monday, May 7, 2018

DUE 5/21: Ch 28 Sec 1,2,3

HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until Fri., 5/18 to come before school to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

Copy & paste the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

Ch 28 Sec 1 (copy & paste link):


28/3: (yes, you have to hand copy everything.  This was posted on May 7, giving you 15 days t do it.)

EXAM CLOSES Saturday, 5/12

Your Chapters 24 & 25 Castle Learning Online Exam is open  & closes at 7 pm on Saturday, 5/12 at 7 pm.  This gives you 8 to complete, with 6 days on school computers.

First try only counts.  Test is not timed, which means you can sign out & go back to it later.  No make-ups since it is online.  If you don't finish (deadline locks it, etc.), anything unanswered is wrong, just like if you left it blank in class.  Quizlet for this exam is also open, but you are best using your notes & video sheets to help you answer the questions for this exam.

DUE 5/18: Exam Closes, 27/4 Notes, Ch 26 Packet

Your Chapter 26 Castle Learning Online Exam will open at on Sunday, 5/13 & closes at 7 pm on Friday, 5/18.  This gives you 6 days to complete, with 5 days on school computers.

First try only counts.  Test is not timed, which means you can sign out & go back to it later.  No make-ups since it is online.  If you don't finish (deadline locks it, etc.), anything unanswered is wrong, just like if you left it blank in class.  Quizlet for this exam is also open, but you are best using your notes & video sheets to help you answer the questions for this exam.


Your Chapter 26 Video Packet(s) are due at the start of class on 5/18 as well.


HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until Tues., 5/22 to come before school to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

Copy & paste the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

Ch 27 Sec 4 (copy & paste link):

DUE 5/17: 27/2 & 27/3 Notes

HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until Fri., 5/18 to come before school to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

Copy & paste the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

Ch 27 Sec 2 & 3 (copy & paste link):

DUE 5/16: 27/1 Notes

HAND COPY all notes into your binder.  You will have a quiz USING THESE NOTES at the start of class on the due date.  If you are late, you cannot make it up.  If you are illegally absent or cut, you cannot make it up.  If you are legally absent, you have until Fri., 5/18 to come before school to show me your notes.  Follow the make-up procedure given out in class.  If you fail to make up the work by the deadline, you will earn a 0.

Copy & paste the link for the notes.  Remember, you can print them at school if you don't have internet access at home, but you CANNOT BRING PRINTED WORK TO CLASS.

Ch 27 Sec 1 (copy & paste link):

Dept Regents Review: All CAN & SHOULD Attend!

Day Date Time Room Topic Teacher
Wednesday 5/9/2018 2-3 p.m. 1103 US Review Ms. Nowaski
Wednesday 5/14/2018 2-3 p.m. 2528 US  Review Mr. Muller
Wednesday 5/16/2018 2-3 p.m. 1103 US Review Ms. Nowaski
Wednesday 5/21/2018 2-3 p.m. 2528 US  Review Mr. Muller
Wednesday 5/23/2018 2-3 p.m. 1103 US Review Ms. Nowaski
Saturday 5/26/2018 9-12 p.m. 2528 US Review Mr. Muller
Wednesday 5/30/2018 2-3 p.m. 1103 US Review Ms. Nowaski
Saturday 6/2/2017 9-12 p.m. 2528 US Review Mr. Muller
Wednesday 6/4/2018 2-3 p.m. 2528 US  Review Mr. Muller
Wednesday 6/6/2018 2-3 p.m. 1103 US Review Ms. Nowaski

Day Date Time Room Topic Teacher

Friday 5/11/2018 2-3 p.m. 2713 US History Regents prep in Spanish Ms. Salinas
Thursday 5/17/2018 2-5 p.m. 2713 US History Regents prep in Spanish Ms. Salinas
Friday 5/25/2018 2-3 p.m. 2713 US History Regents prep in Spanish Ms. Salinas
Thursday 5/31/2018 2-5 p.m. 2713 US History Regents prep in Spanish Ms. Salinas
Saturday 6/2/2018 8am-11am 1109 US History Regents prep in Spanish Ms. Salinas
Saturday 6/9/2018 8am-11am 1109 US History Regents prep in Spanish Ms. Salinas

Day Date Time Room Topic Teacher

Tuesday 5/8/2018 2-3 p.m. 1165 US History Regents Enrichment Ms. Disbrow
Saturday 5/12/2018 9am -12 p.m. 1165 US History Regents Enrichment Ms. Disbrow
Tuesday 5/15/2018 2-3 p.m. 1165 US History Regents Enrichment Ms. Disbrow
Saturday 5/19/2018 9am -12 p.m. 1165 US History Regents Enrichment Ms. Disbrow
Tuesday 5/22/2018 2-3 p.m. 1165 US History Regents Enrichment Ms. Disbrow
Saturday  5/26/2018 9am -12 p.m. 1165 US History Regents Enrichment Ms. Disbrow
Tuesday 5/29/2018 2-3 p.m. 1165 US History Regents Enrichment Ms. Disbrow
Saturday  6/2/2018 9am -12 p.m. 1165 US History Regents Enrichment Ms. Disbrow
Saturday 6/9/2018 9am -12 p.m. 1165 US History Regents Enrichment Ms. Disbrow

DUE 5/9: Japanese Internment Packet

Given out on class last week, packet in due at the start of class on Wednesday, 5/9.  Late work will not be accepted unless due to a legal absence, and must be turned in on first day back by start of class.  If you are late, your work is late.  If you cant find your work because you didn't have it ready to turn in, it is late.

QUIZ: 5/15, Ch 23 Vocab

Vocabulary Quiz on these on Friday, 5/11.  Your words will be due at that time.  You may write them out as a list on paper OR you may write each on a flash card (use a flashcard for the required homework heading.)   Required homework heading must be used.  Use your knowledge, notes, online textbook, handouts, or the Internet to find the definitions.

Homework Heading (required on all work submitted):

Your Name                                                   Global II
Class Period                                                Assignment
(in this case, your assignment is Ch 23 Vocab)

If you are making flashcards they MUST be rubber-banded together BEFORE submitting AND BEFORE the bell rings (there are rubber bands behind my desk - ask me!), and you top card must be a heading card (see above.)  You will get extra credit for making flash cards.

Copy & paste the link below for the Vocab List (scroll past questions):
Make up for legal absences is before school (per my make-up policy), last day to make up is Thursday, 5/17.

REMEMBER!!!  All words from all previous chapters are also fair game on this quiz!

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

EXAM CLOSES TODAY: Friday, 5/11, Chapters 22 & 23

Your Chapters 22 & 23 Castle Learning Online Exam will open on Friday, 5/4 & closes at 7 pm on Friday, 5/11.  This gives you 8 to complete, with 6 days on school computers.

First try only counts.  Test is not timed, which means you can sign out & go back to it later.  No make-ups since it is online.  If you don't finish (deadline locks it, etc.), anything unanswered is wrong, just like if you left it blank in class.  Quizlet for this exam is also open, but you are best using your notes & video sheets to help you answer the questions for this exam.

You Chapters 22 AND 23 Video Packets are due at the start of class on 5/11 as well.

Posting Date vs. Where it is listed on blog, Final Reminder for the year! due in May but was posted in April will show up under the April heading on the side menu, NOT in the menu for MAY!!  This is the way it's been all year, you have been reminded many times, last reminder for the school year!