Friday, May 25, 2018

Still Failing the Course? Read Me.

One FINAL chance for a decent grade for the 4th MP and, just maybe, a passing grade for the course.  This applies only for work due Saturday, 5/26 through & including Friday, 6/1.  It is for  classes that meet from 5/29-6/1.

What you must do to qualify:
1. Be on time daily
2. No illegal absences
3. Prepared with all required supplies (index cards, dividers, highlighter, pen)
4. No failing HWQ, Video packet, quiz, or exam grades for that time period
(blank questions on video packets lad to failing grades, just an fyi)
5. Must study & complete at least 3 different Regents Review sets on Quizlet between 5/25 & 6/1
(Remember, Quizlet tells me how active you were, how quickly you finished a set, the mode you chose to use, etc.  Anything shady will be disqualified, so study in any mode you choose but do it the right way!)

What you get if you do all of the above:
QUADRUPLE REVIEW POINTS on your 4th MP average for MY REVIEW ONLY on 6/1, from 2-5:30 pm (must stay for the entire review.)
(If you are not allowed to attend my review due to past behavioral or cutting/chronic late issues, I will consider allowing this perk for dept review.)  
This means that, if you follow 1-5 above for 5/26-6/1 & attend the 6/1 review, you will earn 14  points on your average just for that one review date.  

But wait, there's more...
IF you stay eligible for the quadruple points for 6/1 AND you attend that review...I will allow you to earn them again on 6/8 IF you meet the same conditions for the time period 6/2-6/8.  You must do 3 more/different Quizlet reviews.

If you do that, and remain eligible based on 1-5 above for work due 6/9-6/13 (which is AFTER the review date), I will extend the quadruple points for the 6/11 review, too.  You must do 3 more/different Quizlet reviews before 7 am on 6/13.  

Do the math - that's a total of 42 points IF you pull this off (& it isn't hard to do.)  Just about anyone should be able to pass the 4th MP is they do this.  PLUS one point per hour of dept review you attend, if you attend any during the week & provide my signed slip as proof

Once you lose your eligibility the 1st week, you are back to 1 point per hour at review.  There is no 2nd chance since this is your very last chance.  Most of you didn't bother to take advantage of the triple points hat ended today.  Foolish, if you look at your averages.  The only way to continue with the quadruple points is to remain eligible.  Keep in mind I only have enough review cards for 36 people, there are 90 of you, and people at the Friday review get 1st shot at next weeks sign up.

Just to be sure you have read this all the way through, post a comment below with your first & last name & class period.  If you do this by 7 pm on Saturday, 5/26, I will give you an additional 5 points (total) if you remain eligible for the 1st week. 

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