Sunday, March 29, 2020

Brentwood is in this article

I want you to read this article.  Brentwood is specifically mentioned about half way down.

THIS, my young friends, is why you MUST practice social distancing.  These numbers are only going to go up as more people are tested, and you never know who is infected until they get sick 2 weeks after you've been with them.

Life cannot return to any kind of normal until we get a handle on this.  Each and every one of you pays a role.  You're bored? So am I.  You're tired of doing school work?  So am I.  You're tired of not being with your fiends?  Me too.  Being locked up with your family all the time is making you insane?  Same here.

But, there is no option.  You are part of history now.  Your kids will study this in a history class.  Is what you're doing during this crisis going to be on the "great things people did" side of the chart?  I hope so.

Stay well, be safe, & make sure your family does, too.

PS - Here are some of the things I've done at my house to try to not lose my mind.  Try them or create your own list (but I'm telling you, cleaning anything or cooking a meal that isn't already one of your chores will score big points with your parents):
- I am doing school work until my eyes are blurry...and then I take a nap ;)
- Play more with my cats
- I do one of Mr. Ramo's chores every day so he has more time to relax
- Deep cleaning one of the rooms in the house (which can take 2 days because I give myself a nap after a few hours ;)
- Go for a walk around the block a few times (and stay at least 6 feet from anyone that isn't Mr. Ramo
- Cleaned out a closet
- Worked on my family tree (because genealogy is a hobby of mine)
- Read a few books I've been meaning to but never made the time
- Made cards to send to random friends I haven't seen in a while (which is everyone at this point, right!)
- Called some friends.  Not text.  Actually called them.
- Worked on some scrapbooking (another hobby)
- Created some homemade crafting gifts for when I see people again because now I have the time
- So much laundry...
- Played some games with Mr Ramo (old school on paper games like when we were kids because we don't have an board games, not even a deck of cards, go figure)

Be like them:

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